Shale Shaker Screen Manufacturers Tips

Shale shaker Screen Manufacturers

Shale shaker screen manufacturers ensures a flawless process and quality product. Drilling equipment some in different sizes, shapes and designs. Drilling equipment must fit the design and size or be adjustable to fit the design or specifications. Anyone who has used equipment understands that standard industry specifications are crucial to its proper functioning.

Standard shale shaker screen manufacturers equipment are the hallmark of integrity and performance. Demand drives trends in every field. Different drilling fluid equipment- shaker screens have their strong points and weak points. Professionals choose their shaker screen equipment based on the nature of the work at hand. Provided here are some of the drilling fluid equipment – shaker screens in use.

shale shaker screen manufacturers
shale shaker screen manufacturers – Kosun

The HDX was designed for optimized screen performance. The HDX has wire diameter 50 percent higher compared to other conventional screens thus enhancing the screen life. Designed to facilitate a higher flow rate without compromising its efficiency, its standard specifications ensure high performance in solid control.
Shale shaker screen manufacturers tips is: This equipment resists blinding because of its multi-layered rectangular mesh which enhances its efficiency in reducing fluid loss. In summary the HDX has the following qualities
The RDX gained a reputation for its cost effectiveness for drilling operators. Its strength is reinforced by a triple layered mesh screen. Its wire diameter is 75 percent thicker than conventional screens and 30 percent thicker than other quality screens. The thicker wires have high resistance to wear and tear thereby ensuring a longer screen life. Research has shown that RDX maintains its integrity and performance for its efficient separation of finer solids.
This square mesh screen is credited for accurate cut point. It has narrow solid removal edge.

Whenever you are faced with the task to select a shaker screens as drilling fluid equipment, consider durability, flow rates capacity, resistance to blinding, adjustability and efficiency in the solid separation.

Shaker Screen—API Standardizes Criteria for Solids Separation

Shaker Screens

Shaker Screens are the wear part of shale shaker, mainly classified into soft sieve screen, sieve plate type screen,and frame plate type screen.

The American Petroleum Institute is a trade association in the oil and natural gas industry in US. API works in collaboration with number of stake holders in the industry for the betterment of the industry.

It also conducts research and help in standardizing the industrial practices. One such guideline related to drilling industry was the standardization of criteria for solids separation. It mainly attributes to the size of shaker screens across the industry that determines the quality of fluid.


shaker screens
shaker screens

The purpose of this standardization was to simplify the screen selection process and provide the users with the screens that will make the solid separation process more efficient.
The API first came up with a Recommended Practice of drilling fluid processing system evaluation (RP 13C & E). Which was also approved by ISO 13501. This RP 13 C broadly covers the tests that describe the openings on the screen of a shale shaker screen in comparison of known standards. It should be considered that this test only describes the openings in the shaker screen but doesn’t talk about its performance.

Conformity to API standards by a manufacturer by providing the information on the labels will help the users determine their choice in best manner. A buyer will use his discretion as to which screen to use to get best conductance or increased life and so on and so forth.

Based on the standardized labeling of shale shaker  screens the buyers are likely to make a more informed decision as to what is likely to work for their needs without leaving it guess-work.
Now as it happens with any change process, not all companies might embrace the system and continue to resist, while others do label the screens with the new standards. It is the end users prerogative to ask the manufacturer to provide the test related data for the screen that they intend to purchase.

How to Install Shaker Screen for Shale Shaker?

Shaker Screen

Shale screen and Shale shaker are critical in the drilling process. Despite this, the shaker screens are delicate and prone to damage by drilling solids which occasionally break them. Having equipment that meets the industry standards and maintaining it well is inescapable.

What use is there in having a good equipment that you cannot install? Due to the crucial role they play in the solid control process, understanding how to install the shaker screen is critical.

shaker screen
shaker screen

Perhaps when you first purchased, the screen was already installed in the equipment. However, because the screen is fragile and gets damaged in the course of working, it requires occasional replacement and re-installation. The steps outlined below have been incorporated with general observances that equipment users are familiar with. They will guide you about how to install a shaker screen.
i.    As soon as it is damaged shut down the equipment, close the feeder and provide tag.
ii.    Use your hands or appropriate tools to uninstall the screen.
iii.    Clean the screens in the drilling mud using water.
iv.    Transfer drilling solids from the shale shaker by using the centrifugal sand pump and the shear pump to cut the drilling solids into smaller sizes to ease transportation.
v.    Extract the screen from the equipment.
vi.    Put the screen carefully on the table. Tighten the screen carefully using screws. For multiple-layered screens go, through the process again for each of the layers of screen.
vii.    Bolt the screen on the side with the locating bar with the cuttings outfall on the outside and plug it into the generator trailer.

Your shaker screen is now installed and you are ready to resume work. Remember that much as it is imperative for the user to know how to install the screen, choosing the screen that meets industry standards is as paramount.

Shaker Screens for Sale of Rectangular Heavy Duty (RHD)

Shaker Screens

Shaker screens come in variety of sizes and shapes based upon shale shaker’s make and model. A Rectangular Heavy Duty Shaker Screen is mainly used for handling heavy solid drilling cuttings taken out during oil field drilling projects.

Drilling as such is widely used not only in oil and gas industry but in mining and coal cleaning industries also. Wherever the project demands handling heavy duty drilling waste management system , rectangular heavy duty shaker screens are deployed for use.

shaker screen
shaker screen

The main purpose of using shale shaker equipment is to separate out the drilling fluid from drilling solids i.e. drilling cuttings.
A Rectangular Heavy Duty Shaker screen uses two layers of finely knitted mesh material and one layer of a coarse mesh to enable the handling of the heavy duty solid waste to provide it better durability and better conductance. There had been number of incidents where during the solid control system process, while shale shaker was deployed to separate drilling cuttings from drilling fluid, some thicker parts of solid would get stuck in the circulation and make their way through multiple layers of mesh of the shaker screen and over time burst the shaker screen’s mesh cloth. To prevent such incidents, rectangular heavy duty shaker screens came into existence.

RHD shaker screens follow proprietary multi layered technology, that enhances the overall permissibility of drilling fluid through the screen with much less resistance, which naturally enhances the performance of shale shaker equipment.

The shaker screens in RHD line are available in different variations, based on the particulate size they allow to permit through and these are standardized by the America Petroleum Institute through their labeling practice. API has labeled different shaker screens based on the holes size distribution measured with the help of light.
As the technology advances, the drilling industry is all set to go through much more modernized with start to finish automation.

Shaker Screens Replacement of Kosun Manufacturer

Shaker Screens is a critical component in solids control equipment used in the drilling industry. Drilling operations use a borehole technology to penetrate deep beneath the surface to reach the fossil fuel, in this pursuit, the mud-loggers first need to do a sampling to ascertain the depth and quality of the rock they are penetrating.

In oil field digging, let’s suppose in an off-shore site, this drilling will be done with the help of a drilling rig. As the drilling bit will cut through the rock underneath the ocean floor, it will need some lubricant to keep it going, a drilling fluid is used for that purpose.

A drilling fluid is a rich mixture of different chemicals, either oil-based or water-based, this is commonly known as “drilling mud”. This drilling mud is very expensive to create, and it doesn’t only keep the equipment lubricated but also helps in keeping it cool and clean for further operations.

The drilling bit will carry with itself drilling cuttings, essentially the rock shavings, mixed with drilling mud. The mud-loggers will extract these shavings from the drilling bit for further analysis.

As explained earlier in the article, the drilling fluid is quite expensive so it is imperative for the operators to restore the drilling fluid from the drilling waste. For this purpose, various solid control types of equipment are used, among them a shale shaker is the foremost.

A shale shaker with the help of  shaker screens helps separate the drilling cuttings from drilling fluid, and the separated drilling fluid is channeled to a separate container for further processing and treatment. The dried solid, i.e. drilling cuttings are conveyed to a separate container for further treatment and disposal.

One very important factor in the solid control system is its contribution to environmental balance. If a solid control system is not efficient enough, it is likely that the drill cuttings will still carry some amount of drilling fluid that contains chemicals that could be really harmful to the environment and cause contamination of soil or groundwater. The drilling industry follows strict rules on drilling waste management for the sake of environmental impact.

In conclusion, a shale shaker’s main function is to filter the drilling waste with the help of effective shaker screens and as a result help in the economy of overall drilling operations and environmental prevention.

Brandt Shaker Screen Replacement Cleaning System by Kosun Manufacturer

Brandt Shaker Screen

Brandt shaker screen replacement of Kosun for a competitor’s device. The alternative screen manufactured by Kosun is used in the competitor’s shale oscillator to combine the proven grid combination with an innovative diamond pattern board to improve the efficiency of the vibrating screen while extending the screen life.

These manufactured replacement Brandt shaker screens are designed to meet the exact design specifications of the competitor’s shale shaker and can be mounted directly on the device using an inventory wedge. The alternative screen made by BRANDT has a variety of grid combinations that are ideal for drilling applications.

Brandt Shaker Screen
Brandt Shaker Screen

Brandt shaker screen replancement by Kosun with high quality and more than 20 years experience in this aspect.

Any machinery will give its best performance if maintained properly, so a preventive measure is a prerequisite if an operator wants to ensure the long life of the machinery. While routine services will take place as part of your preventive maintenance, there is something that operators themselves will be able to take care of and be rewarded with even better results. A simple way is to keep the machinery clean.

In solid control equipment, shaker screen performs that key job of eliminating the solids through the screen. So it is imperative that they are prone to damage if not kept properly clean and that will naturally increase the overall project cost.

Here are some ways to keep the shaker screen clean and safe:
•    If the shaker has been idle for some time, it is important that the shaker screen be cleaned before the use. To clean the shale shaker screen, the best way is to use water gun or water hose.
•    Usage of wire brush will actually damage the mesh, so stay clear of brushes in your cleaning process.
•    The shaker screen constantly sieves the waste material and likely to get clogged with waste material and as a result the screen holes will be blinded and hamper the process if filtration. To clean the blinded screen holes, use the water hose from back side. You could consider removing the larger particles manually, but never with a brush or stick, as the mesh of the screen is prone to be torn in the process if you use any of these.
•    Make sure that the screens are not left with the drilling waste i.e. drill cuttings and mud to be dried while in the screen. This will invariably lead to a pre-mature failure of the equipment.
•    Never allow any worn out rubbers to be used in the equipment, this directly lowers the performance of the equipment and damages the shaker screen.
•    Do not allow any other material to be placed over the shaker screens, either in function or in storage.
With these basic cleaning procedures, you could ensure a longer life for the shaker screen.

Shaker Screen API Mesh Size of Kosun Best Shaker Screen

Shaker Screen API Mesh Size

Shaker Screen API Mesh Size is tested according to API RP13C code. We are able to provide you with all the manufacturing and modeling shades of the global oil field. Please contact us for more detailed information on API dimensions and information on grid size

Shaker Screen API Mesh Size is another indicator screen size, but more standard and compatible average.

American Petroleum Institute has laid down the guidelines for solid control systems in drilling industry. However, the main purpose of this standardization was to provide the end user with a fair idea of what they are investing their money into, when the purchase a certain type of shaker screen.

Shaker Screen API Mesh Size
Shaker Screen API Mesh Size

Now, before we delve into the benchmarking by API, let us give you an overview of what the shaker screen is or why is it that important to be researched about?

Drilling is widely used activity in oil and gas industry, to obtain deep seated fossil fuel to fulfill the fuel requirement across the globe, and that makes this industry quite enormous. The drilling operations are carried out on hard ground surface or on the ocean surface. In the entire drilling process, one of the main challenges is the handling of the drilling waste , it is called solid control system. The drilling waste mainly consists of drilling cuttings (solid) and drilling fluid (mud).

Now the drill cuttings are nothing but the rock shavings and other hard particles that are extracted during drilling, the drilling fluid is a mixture of different chemicals and oil or water. The drilling fluid is quite expensive substance and is added to the drilling process to help drilling equipments lubricated and cool, besides other things.

API being one of the largest trading group of US in drilling industry, has set up certain industry standards to test the quality of shaker screens, that are respected worldwide. Based on these tests, they have labeled different shale shaker screen sizes that approved by ISO, and encourage the manufacturers to use those labels on the product to enable the end user for a fair comparison before purchase.
While quality of different shaker screens cannot alone assure its performance, as the actual performance, in terms of conductance and life, will depend on a variety of aspects. To name a few – Handling of shaker screen, installation and replacement, appropriate tensioning, deck rubbers, storage and cleaning, volume of mud and solids, etc.

Shale Shaker Screen Sizes in New Kosun Shale Shaker

Shale Shaker Screen Sizes

Shale shaker screen sizes is decided by shaker screens. Different shale shaker screens have different shale shaker screen sizes.

American Petroleum Institute has laid down the guidelines for solid control systems in drilling industry. However, the main purpose of this standardization was to provide the end user with a fair idea of what they are investing their money into, when the purchase a certain type of shaker screen.

Now, before we delve into the benchmarking by API, let us give you an overview of what the shaker screen is or why is it that important to be researched about?

shale shaker screen sizes
shale shaker screen sizes

Drilling is widely used activity in oil and gas industry, to obtain deep seated fossil fuel to fulfill the fuel requirement across the globe, and that makes this industry quite enormous. The drilling operations are carried out on hard ground surface or on the ocean surface. In the entire drilling process, one of the main challenges is the handling of the drilling waste, it is called solid control system. The most important but easy to missed part is the shale shaker screen sizes application in real spot.

API being one of the largest trading group of US in drilling industry, has set up certain industry standards to test the quality of shaker screens, that are respected worldwide. Based on these tests, they have labeled different shaker screen sizes that approved by ISO, and encourage the shale shaker manufacturers like Kosun to use those labels on the product to enable the end user for a fair comparison before purchase.

While quality of different shaker screens cannot alone assure its performance, as the actual performance, in terms of conductance and life, will depend on a variety of aspects. To name a few – Handling of shaker screen, installation and replacement, appropriate tensioning, deck rubbers, storage and cleaning, volume of mud and solids, etc.

Shale Shaker Screen Size from Manufacturer Kosun

Shale Shaker Screen Sizes

Shale shaker screen sizes mean that the size of the vibrating screen is also the size of the screen. In the oil field or solid control industry, there are many different types of shale shaker screens.

Shale shaker screen sizes selection is based on the original shaker screen size. Such as the overall size. The user should also consider the identified drilling conditions or mud properties. We need the main function or achievement.

The popular shale shaker screens sizes including  710x1250mm,585x1165mm, 630x1250mm, 700x1050mm, and so on. Mesh sizes for oilfield solids control shaker are usually from API 40-API325.

shale shaker screen sizes are the size of the screens.
shale shaker screen sizes

Shale shaker screen is the wear part of the mud shaker screen, mainly divided into soft sieve, sieve plate type screen, frame plate type screen.

API is one of the largest trade groups in the drilling industry in the United States and has established industry standards to test the quality of vibrating screens, which are respected around the world. Based on these tests, they mark the size of the different shale shaker screens approved by ISO and encourage the manufacturer to use the labels on the product to allow the end user to make a fair comparison before purchase.

Typically, at the beginning of the drilling, the screen cloth requires a rough opening. So we will enjoy a higher frequency. When drilling is getting deeper and deeper, we require more fine and finer screening. Due to the nature of the drilling mud and the cuttings are different.

Although the quality of the different shale shaker screens can not alone ensure its performance, the actual performance in terms of conductance and lifetime will depend on various aspects. Hold a few – vibrating sieve treatment, installation and replacement, proper tension, deck rubber, storage and cleaning, mud and solid volume.

Shale shaker for sale toward all over the world. Welcome to contact us.

Shale Shaker Screens -Kosun Solid Control

Shale Shaker Screens

Shale shaker screens come in variety of sizes and shapes based upon shale shaker’s make and model. A Rectangular Heavy Duty Shaker Screen is mainly used for handling heavy solid drilling cuttings taken out during oil field drilling projects.

Shale shaker screens with high quality low price was attacted by clients around the world. Shaker screen design is unique inthis industry.

Drilling as such is widely used not only in oil and gas industry but in mining and coal cleaning industries also. Wherever the project demands handling heavy duty solid drilling waste management system , rectangular heavy duty shaker screens are deployed for use.

The main purpose of using shale shaker equipment is to separate out the drilling fluid from drilling solids i.e. drilling waste cuttings.
A Rectangular Heavy Duty Shaker screen uses two layers of finely knitted mesh material and one layer of a coarse mesh to enable the handling of the heavy duty solid waste to provide it better durability and better conductance.

shale shaker screens
shale shaker screens

There had been number of incidents where during the solid control system process, while shale shaker was deployed to separate drilling cuttings from drilling fluid, some thicker parts of solid would get stuck in the circulation and make their way through multiple layers of mesh of the shaker screen and over time burst the shaker screen’s mesh cloth. To prevent such incidents, rectangular heavy duty shaker screens came into existence.

RHD shaker screens follow proprietary multi layered technology, that enhances the overall permissibility of drilling fluid through the screen with much less resistance, which naturally enhances the performance of shale shaker equipment.

The shaker screens in RHD line are available in different variations, based on the particulate size they allow to permit through and these are standardized by the America Petroleum Institute through their labeling practice. API has labeled different shaker screens based on the holes size distribution measured with the help of light.

As the technology advances, the drilling industry is all set to go through much more modernized with start to finish automation.